Basic Attack

Live Interaction
Target: Single Target
Stability Damage: 1
Cooldown: 0 turns
Range: 5 tiles
Effect Range: Target
Selects an enemy target within a 5-tile radius and deals Physical damage equivalent to 80% ATK to it.

All Out Performance
Target: AoE
Stability Damage: 1
Cooldown: 2 turns
Range: 1 tiles
Effect Range: --
Selects a direction and deals Physical damage that ignores Cover equivalent to 75% ATK to the first enemy target on every straight line in a 3x5 tile radius along the direction, and knocks them back by 4 tiles. This skill also destroys all destructible cover within skill range, except for a 3x3 range around self.
- Level 2: Gains 3 tiles of Extra Movement if this skill hits 2 or more targets.

Exclusive Stage
Target: Single Target
Stability Damage: 2
Cooldown: 0 turns
Range: 5 tiles
Effect Range: Target
Selects an enemy target within a 5-tile radius and deals Physical damage equivalent to 150% ATK to it. If the target is not under the protection of Cover, dispels 2 buffs before attacking.
- Level 2: Increases CRIT rate by 100% when attacking targets with movement type debuffs.

Infectious Enthusiasm
Target: AoE
Stability Damage: 2
Cooldown: 0 turns
Range: 5 tiles
Effect Range: 2 tiles
Selects a tile within a 5-tile radius and deals AoE Physical damage equivalent to 100% ATK to all enemy targets within a 2-tile radius, applying Overenthusiasm and Vulnerability II for 2 turns.
- Level 2: Overenthusiasm is applied before attacking.
- Level 3: If this skill only hits 1 enemy, applies Stun for 1 turn.

Idol Talent
Stability Damage: 0
Cooldown: 0 turns
Range: Entire Map tiles
Effect Range: Target
At the start of the action, increases Contamination Gauge by 1 point. For each instance of damage dealt, increases Contamination Gauge by 1 point. Increases damage dealt against targets with movement type debuffs by 20%. If Vepley moved 5 or more tiles, applies Movement Reduction II before attacking for 2 turns.
- Level 2: If Vepley moved 3 or more tiles, applies Movement Reduction II for 2 turns.
- Level 3: If the target has movement type debuffs, applies Movement Failure for 1 turn.